Legacy Country Goldens breeds very healthy and happy pups. We love our sweet girl Hallie that will turn 2 years old in July 2018. I’d like to reiterate healthy pup. Many Goldens have been over breed, but not at Legacy Country Goldens! They have a really great approach to breeding. 5 Stars!

-Rob P.


Dog Pic

Hi Sharon!

We just LOVE George!! He has been a wonderful addition to our family. It is amazing to see how much he has changed in just a few months! He is growing quickly and now weighs about 40 lbs. We'd have to admit, raising a puppy with 5 kids has definitely been more challenging than when we didn't have kids... but totally worth it to see how much they LOVE him and he really loves them too! He really does love people and likes being close to us... he often comes and lays at my feet when I'm on the computer, or finds a spot by me in the kitchen when I'm cooking. He likes to be loved and we all like to love him! :)

It took a while for George to get the potty training down, but at 4 months almost exactly, it just clicked which made life a lot easier! ;) He enjoys hanging out with the family and spent many warm weather days at the kid's soccer and baseball games, as well as playing in the fall leaves. He also loves the snow, and gets so excited to chase the kids up and down the sledding hill in the backyard.

 Overall, he is growing into a beautiful family dog and we get lots of compliments on his appearance, coat, and disposition. We are very happy with George and look forward to many years to come with our new buddy!! 
Thanks for keeping in touch!
Best regards, -


Hello Sharon,

I wanted to share an updated picture of Malcolm (Shasta x Storm July 2021). He is the sweetest, most curious, mellow and loving puppy ever, we are so lucky! He loves to play, go for walks, run with other dogs, chew on bones and cuddle. We can’t thank you enough for such a great dog!


Malcolm dog pic

My husband and 3 daughters wanted to buy me an English cream female golden puppy for my birthday in February. We missed having a female golden since putting ours down in June '14 at 12 years old. The breeder that we used for the last 17 years didn't have any puppies at this time. After a month of due diligence I was drawn to the quality and characteristics of Sharon Zook's breeding program. Sharon was very knowledgeable and responsive to my questions as well as helpful and understanding regarding some concerns I had purchasing a puppy for the 1st time sight unseen. Her pictures were not only gorgeous of her dogs but a true representation of what they look like. At the time logistically it was impossible to go to Iowa from Ct. 

We couldn't be happier with our decision!! Bailey came to us on Saturday, Feb. 27th. From the moment we took her out of her carrier at La Guardia airport we were in love. Sharon had done an amazing job of raising her. She was acclimated into our busy household of 3 children plus 2 100lbs male goldens as well as a Maltese and a teacup Yorkie in a matter of days. At 9 weeks old she took to crate training very well.

What has amazed us the most is Bailey's personality. She is able to adapt to new situations like a pro! We had taken Bailey on vacation to a friends horse farm in VA in April... an 8hr. ride from Ct. Not only did she handle the car ride like a champ only stopping a few times for potty breaks she blended right into the farm's routine which included 30 horses... 2 foals... a pug... 2 other golden's and 13 4 week old golden puppies. We have had golden's for over 25 years... never have we owned a puppy that has been so adaptable to whatever life brings on a given day. If you are looking for a beautiful, smart English cream golden Legacy Country Golden's is A MUST!


The Hall Babcocks



Dear Sharon,

I just wanted to take the time to say Thank - you! With having a bad experience with a different breeder it was a relief to find you. Cooper is now eight months old and he is the best dog. He is smart and really handsome. We get so many compliments on what a good looking dog he is. He is also really good with our kids. Such a loving boy. Can't thank you enough for introducing Cooper into our lives. 


Gonsior Family - NE


Hello Sharon & family,


We picked up Baylee on April 30th. He is 4 months old now. Such a wonderful and easy experience! He is absolutely the best puppy!! I grew up raising and showing Afghan hounds and the personality on him beats every puppy I have been around. We live in downtown St. Louis on Washington Ave. It is a VERY busy street with lots of dogs and people. Great for socializing him. We haven't had one person say he isn't the most beautiful and well behaved puppy they have ever seen. He doesn't meet a stranger! He does get sad when people are walking in the other direction and don't stop to pet him. He turns around, looks at them, and sits like "why aren't they stopping to look at me!!" Just the sweetest little guy! He also walks on the leash nicely, sits and waits for his food, does high five, knows "no" (stops whatever he's doing instantly), goes potty outside (only a couple pee accidents but no poo ever!), and he doesn't do excited peeing at all. Needless to say, we couldn't ask for a better temperament! We are going to get another puppy from you in the future. When we have a big yard for them. Thank you for our wonderful new family member!


Warm regards, Andrew & Leah - MO